The Living Water Inclusive Catholic Community is blended from two smaller faith communities that originated in Annapolis and in Baltimore, and that grew to include Thurmont and Frederick, Maryland. We began to gather together for Eucharist in 2008, both at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Annapolis and at the Stony Run Friends Meeting House in Baltimore. We were, and are, a faith community that supports the ordination of women to the Roman Catholic priesthood, and whose pastors are ordained through Roman Catholic Womenpriests-USA.
We are aware that many Roman Catholics have given up the practice of their faith for personal and often hurtful reasons. We open our doors in a special way to those seeking an experience of Eucharist that is safe and welcoming. Our Mass is prayed in inclusive language. All are welcome to participate in every aspect of the liturgy. We remember Paul’s great words that made for a community of equals – among you, there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. We would add, there is neither gay nor straight; single, divorced, nor remarried; liberal nor conservative; old nor young; left-wing nor right … our doors open to all, as we work to build – as the song says – a house where love can dwell and all may safely live.

The name of our Living Water Community speaks first of all to Jesus’ promise to the woman at the well. It is also a prophetic name in this day of global warming. As clean water becomes an increasingly scarce commodity in parts of the world, our vision is that we will be living water to each other and to the world. We are committed to caring for the earth’s resources, that there may be an abundance of life-giving water for all.
We gather as community to celebrate the Eucharist every week. Sometimes we’re all together in a church. Sometimes we’re in small groups in our members’ homes. But no matter the setting, you will be welcome, and we hope you’ll visit us somewhere, sometime.
If you’d like to talk with any of our priests, our bios and emails are below. And if you’d like to explore the full story of our growth over the years, please read our recently published Spiritual Autobiography.
Get to know us from our beginnings through our community’s life post-pandemic. Please feel free to pass this Spiritual Autobiography along to anyone you think might be interested. A limited number of paper copies are also available; request one at livingwatercommunity@comcast.net
Once again, you are welcome here!
Rev. Barbara Beadles, M.A. D. Min.
(301) 598-3078

Barbara Ann Beadles holds a Master of Arts in Religious Studies from The Catholic University of America in Washington DC. Barbara has been involved in religious education since 1968. She worked in parochial schools in Kentucky and Maryland. As pastoral associate, she worked with adults in RCIA education and adults whose children were being baptized and making first communion. Her particular interest is ministry with marginalized Catholics and as a Hospice volunteer. Barbara resides in Silver Spring MD with her husband Jim.
Barbara Ann Beadles
Deacon 2014
Priest 2015
Rev. Gloria Carpeneto, D. Min., Ph.D.
(410) 207-9520

Gloria Ray-Carpeneto
Deacon 2007
Priest 2008
Gloria Ray-Carpeneto, D.Min., Ph.D., is a spiritual director, labyrinth facilitator, Reiki Master, writer, and teacher. In the late 90’s, Gloria conducted her doctoral dissertation research on the embodiment of spirituality in women. Growing out of that research, she has ministered primarily with women – individually and in groups – for more than twenty years. Gloria has served as Pastoral Associate for Holistic Health Ministry in two Roman Catholic faith communities. She has been an instructor in Psychology, Nursing, and Early Childhood Education at Villa Julie College (now Stevenson University), and advisor to doctoral students’ dissertation committees at University of MD College Park. Gloria’s Ph.D. is in Human Development, and her D. Min. is in Spiritual Direction with a research focus on Ignatian Spirituality in Everyday Living. Gloria founded and served as Executive Director of the FRIENDS of the Northeast Interfaith Peace Garden, a community garden and labyrinth located in an urban setting, dedicated to interfaith peacemaking. Together with Andrea Johnson, Gloria currently co-pastors the Living Water Inclusive Catholic Community in Baltimore MD. Gloria was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in Boston MA on July 20, 2008, and lives in Baltimore MD with Myles, her husband of 50 years. Myles & Gloria are the parents of Robin and Penelope; grandparents to Prema, Uriah, Venus and Salvador; and great grandparents to Aidan, Ariah, Lucina, and Zyra.
Rev. Jackie Clarys, M. Mus., M.A.
(410) 963-7181

Jacqueline Clarys
Deacon 2015
Priest 2016
For Jackie, a lifetime interest in spirituality/religion and her career in music together formed a natural entryway to the formal study of theology. Subsequently, through the nurture and support from members of her RCWP-led church community, the Living Water Inclusive Catholic Community of central Maryland, she was able to realize her later-life call to ordained ministry. Born to a large, caring, and faithful Roman Catholic family where her spirituality was given its foundation, Jackie’s musical gifts were fostered early on by her parents, teachers, and through private piano lessons with the Benedictine Sisters (OSB). Her professional life in music has included a vocal performance career of nearly 25 years in the U.S. Army; teaching; and music ministry for liturgies, weddings, funerals, and patriotic/veteran’s events. She has served as a Chaplain Intern at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center (2015–2016), and as a Chaplain Resident at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD (2017–2018), earning four units of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE). She is a certified teacher of Godly Play. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Vocal Music Education from the University of Minnesota, Moorhead; a Master of Music in Vocal Performance and Literature from Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York; and a Master of Arts in Theology from the Ecumenical Institute of Theology, St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore, Maryland. She and her husband, Daniel M. Hopkins, make their home in Catonsville, Maryland, where their son, daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren live nearby.
Rev. Erma Durkin

Erma Durkin
Deacon 2017
Priest 2018
For twenty years, I was a member of a Religious Congregation that focused on Religious Education for those at the margins. Ministry was offered through visiting every home within the parish to which I was assigned, and not only the homes of Roman Catholic parishioners. As a religious, I was assigned to a different Mission every two years. I served in Cambridge MD, South San Antonio TX, Belle, WV, Grand Junction, CO, Trenton, NJ, and finally in several parishes in the barrios outside San Juan and Santurce, Puerto Rico. At the end of my life in Religious Community, I graduated with my BS SS from Loyola College, Baltimore MD. Building a home and a family in North Baltimore County, I became a member of the Parish Council in 1976, and served as Representative of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine(CCD) on that Council. Since that time, and up until the present (2017), I have been engaged in the Religious Education activities of my parish, especially those which impinged upon Women’s Reproductive Rights, GLBTQ understanding, and Ordination of Women. I am a widow since 2002, have three adult children, all married, and two Grandchildren. My spiritual life is nourished by membership in the Living Water Inclusive Catholic Community, pastored by RCWP Priests.
Rev. Frances Handy

Frances Handy
Deacon 2018
Priest 2019
My journey of ministry began as an IHM ( Sister, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary) Sister for 23 years. After leaving the convent, I served in my local parish as a lector, Eucharistic Minister, Prayer Leader, and Stephen Minister. I was a servant leader for the parish (LEAD – LGBT Educating and Affirming Diversity) within a leadership team for three years. For four years I served as director of the Education program for the Immigration Outreach Service Center (IOSC), I am currently an Oblate with the Benedictine Sisters of Emmanuel Monastery in Lutherville MD. Since joining the Living Water Inclusive Catholic Community, and being ordained through RCWP, I have been offering communion services at Arden Courts Memory Care with patients dealing with Alzheimer’s’ and Dementia.
Bishop Andrea Johnson, M.A., M.Div.
(410) 626-7934

Andrea M. Johnson
Deacon 2005
Priest 2007
Bishop 2009
Andrea M. Johnson, a former program officer in international education exchange with the Senior Fulbright Scholars’ Program, has worked for many years, and in several dioceses, as a religious educator at the adult and secondary levels. In the 1980’s, she served for two years as a parish life director in a priestless parish of the military diocese. Always active in her parish communities, she served from 2004-2006 on the pastoral council of her current parish, as president during the second year of her term. An active member of the Women’s Ordination Conference since 1984, she served that organization as executive director from 1996-2000. Andrea’s educational background includes a BA in French from Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, Indiana, an MA in diplomacy and international relations from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, and an M.Div. from Global Ministries University. Her particular interest is ministry with marginalized and underserved Catholics.
Rev. Pat Shannon Jones, M.A.

Patricia Shannon Jones
Deacon 2014
Priest 2015
Pat has a Master’s Degree in Adulthood and Aging Studies from Notre Dame of Maryland University. She is a registered nurse and retired nursing home administrator in the State of Maryland. She has completed the Parish Nursing Certificate Program at the Ecumenical Institute (EI) of Saint Mary’s Seminary and University and continues to pursue courses in Pastoral Care at EI. Pat has more than 20 years’ experience in the development and management of research projects. During her research career, she worked at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the University of Maryland School of Medicine, an International Clinical Research Organization, ran her own clinical trials management company, and worked as a consultant with the University of Maryland Institute of Human Virology where she was responsible for operational support of an institutional strengthening grant in Haiti. In addition, Pat has spent the last two years working with immigrant families through the Immigration Outreach Service Center (IOSC) in the St. Matthew Church community in Baltimore city. She assumed the role of Director in 2013. She has led the IOSC in the development of new programs and has led the local immigrant community to build power in order to take action on important issues that affect immigrants in the Baltimore area and the region.
As of 2024, Pat has retired from the IOSC. She is currently working to convene a group to create the “NEXT” Church that will supplant the fractured Catholic Church in the City of Baltimore.
Rev. Marellen Mayers, M.A.
(443) 386-1809

Marellen M. Mayers
Deacon 2010
Priest 2011
Marellen Mayers currently finds herself enjoying ministry with the Living Water Inclusive Catholic Community, being an active member of the Eastern Region of RCWP USA and working full time as a hospice chaplain. Over her lifetime, she has worked in the fields of social work, health, education and campus ministry. Marellen earned a B.A. in Human Services from Notre Dame of Maryland University and a M.A. in Holistic Spirituality from Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia, PA. Other areas of great interest and experience have been that of spiritual direction, retreat facilitation, holistic wellness and liturgy. Additional certifications were earned in the field of Bereavement Support and that of a Reiki II practitioner. More recently completion of Clinical Pastoral Education Internship at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center and CPE Residency at Wellspan Health York Hospital were earned along with Endorsement through FCM. Marellen and her husband, Craig were married in 1986 and reside in Easton, Maryland.
Rev. Marilyn Rondeau, Ed.D.

Marilyn Rondeau
Deacon 2016
Priest 2017
Marilyn E. Rondeau, Ed.D., is a native of Greenfield, Massachusetts. After college, she moved to Maryland where she spent her career in teaching and administration in parochial and public schools. Currently, she serves as director of Administrative I programs on the university level. She felt the “tug, tug, tug” toward priesthood from a very early age. When she was introduced to Living Water Inclusive Catholic Community in Baltimore, she knew that her inner voice drawing her toward priestly ministry had found a home. Marilyn received her Ed.D. and M.S. in Urban Educational Leadership from Morgan State University, a M.Th. from Global Ministries University, a B.A. in History from the College of Our Lady of the Elms, and a Certificate of Advanced Study in Education with a concentration in Guidance and Counseling from Johns Hopkins University. In ministry, she will use her service-oriented background to foster social justice that benefits the disenfranchised. Marilyn can be reached at docrondeau@aol.com